Announcing Project Phoenix

Dear diary,

Hey, it’s been a while… back in January I thought I had it all figured out and was ready to start turning my life around. Oh boy how wrong I was. I let myself slip again and ended up in another hole. But, this time it’s different. This time I’ve made the changes I needed to make for this whole turning my life around thing to actually have any chance of taking off. Now without the dead weight, I’m ready to hit the old reset button, and turn what’s left of this life of mine into something worth living.

Project Phoenix is basically me setting fire to the person who I was before, figuring out who I am and who I want to be, so I can rise from those ashes and become the person I deserve to be. I’m hoping it’s going to be a journey of self exploration, finding what happiness means to me, and how to find happiness and peace in my own life, so that once I find love, it’s out of want and not need. Time to put on my big boy panties, take responsibility for my emotions, and get my life together on my own instead of waiting for somebody to save me.

What Will This Blog Be?

I’m basically turning this “blog” into a place where I organise my thoughts, keep track of my mental health journey, track my progress as I lose weight, improve various aspects of my life, etc. I won’t be going out of my way to publicise it too much, maybe just to close friends, family, any future therapists, and whoever else happens to find it. Hopefully along the way, some lost souls searching for relatable experiences happen to find my blog and gain something from it. Mostly it’s just my desperate attempt at holding myself accountable. I won’t be having a fixed schedule for posts, but I will be trying to post frequently. Things may end up messy and hard to navigate, my mind can be rather chaotic, apologies in advance.

Project Phoenix will be split into many subcategories and posts. You’ll probably be able to explore it using the sidebar if I’m organised enough. Fingers crossed.

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